Winter at the Botanical Garden Linz

Botanischer Garten Linz

Nothing in nature blooms all year long. This quote always comes to my mind whenever I look around outside in nature during the cold months. The nice thing is, there is no need to long for 365 days of colorful flowers, blooming perennials or green lawns. A garden, for example, when properly landscaped, is beautiful […]

Stiftsgärtnerei Sandner | St. Florian

SANDNER - die gärtnerei zum stift sankt florian, Schaugarten,

Everybody needs a Happy Place… or two. Right? In my case, my Happy Place is definitely my garden at home. Even if it, like any other garden, has it’s unsightly and less well-kept corners (piles of junk behind the hut anyone?), and regularly gives me back pain because the weeds just always grow faster than […]

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