I usually don’t sow herbs in spring. Mostly because I find it annoying to sow seeds and then wait days, weeks and months until I even see the slightest hint of green. However this year winter feels so long and never ending – dramatic much? – that I jumped over my own shadow, got myself a couple of terracotta pots, herb soil and seeds and started sowing. I even bought some water cress seeds just so I had one herb that has a shorter growing time than the usual basil, parsley and chives. Smart, right? 😉
I feel like gardening has been a real discovery for many of us in 2020 and even though I’ve been planting veggies and flowers here and there for years, the creation of my little kitchen garden in the backyard has taken my gardening game to a whole other level. Next stop green house… just watch 😉
Did you develop green fingers last year? Are you planning to grow your own in 2021? If so please share what you’re planting this spring in the comments below. Let me know!! 🙂