9 tips to make tulips last longer

Tulpen länger haltbar machen, how to make tulips last longer, Tulpenpflege, Naturfotograf, Gartenfotograf Linz

Those of you who follow me on Instagram will know that last year in December, under the most inhospitable circumstances i might add, I put tulip bulbs in one of my low vegetable beds. These beds never get planted with vegetables until May, so they make perfect little cut flower beds. I love having vases […]

DIY flower garden – How to grow your own flowers

Blumen vorziehen leicht gemacht_Flower garden made easy

Every year, as soon as spring slowly announces itself and it is already properly itching in the fingers to get planting, there is hardly anything better than to start growing your own flowers. Among the many benefits of starting your flowers from seed are getting a head start on the season, access to many specialty […]

Late-winter flower planters for the garden

Spätwinter Blumentrogideen, Schneerosen, Alpenveilchen, Hornveilchen

Oh hellebores, violets, cyclamen and the ever faithful ivy… they never disappoint. Even though it’s still around zero degrees outside most of the time and the weather changes so quickly between storm, snow, sun and back again that you get all dizzy, you can’t deny it, it already tingles quite a bit in the fingers. […]

Flower Thursday | Winter arrangement with roses and ranunculus

I don’t know about you, but the time between Christmas and the „actual“ start of spring is sometimes the most depressing time of the whole year. (But maybe I’m just being dramatic 😉 ). In my home, un-decorating the Christmas tree and removing the Christmas decorations is delayed as long as possible, but with a […]

Bringing spring inside

Forced Bulbs-Daffodils

Ok, I admit that talking about spring on the 3rd of January is a bit premature and I have no illusions that there will be winter over the next few weeks, but hey, if garden centers can sell spring flowers from December on, I can certainly bring them into my house without a guilty conscience. […]

Christmas flower show – Stiftsgärtnerei St. Florian

Merry Christmas!! On the 23rd of December you can definitely start wishing that! The laptops are powered down, all the to do’s are done at the last minute and slowly but surely the anticipation of Christmas is setting in, isn’t it? In this spirit, I would like to dedicate the last post of the year […]

Autumn Impressions from the cottage garden

Herbstgarten, Dahlien, Cosmea, Herbstanemone

Summer is slowely but surely coming to a close. Those warm sunny mornings are turning more and more in gloomy and grey days. However all those summer flowers and shrubs that we’ve planted, cultivated and cared for over the last few months provide us with more than enough pops of color to raise our moods. […]

DIY Garden Flower arrangement

DIY Flower arrangement with Dahlias, Cosmos and Verbena

How do you actually make flower arrangements? The question I ask myself pretty much since the time when I started to increasingly explore the topic of gardening, flowers, nature, etc. on Instagram (and generally IRL too). Mixed into to the most beautiful images of bouquets and cottage gardens that appeared again and again in my […]

DIY Hanging Fall planter

DIY Floristry_Hanging summer planter

I must confess, when I think of „hanging baskets“, the first thing that comes to mind are those awful, knotted macramé/pot constructions that were found in almost every apartment in the late 80s. Granted I was quite young in the late 80’s but these things were so awful (in my opinion) that they were literally […]

Stiftsgärtnerei Sandner | St. Florian

SANDNER - die gärtnerei zum stift sankt florian, Schaugarten,

Everybody needs a Happy Place… or two. Right? In my case, my Happy Place is definitely my garden at home. Even if it, like any other garden, has it’s unsightly and less well-kept corners (piles of junk behind the hut anyone?), and regularly gives me back pain because the weeds just always grow faster than […]

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