Quick and easy – Tips for a relaxed garden party for Mother’s Day.

In German there’s a saying that translates something like this: „One should celebrate the festivities as they fall“. This has always been true and even more so in recent years. It will probably surprise no one, but I prefer to celebrate my parties in the garden. Whether it’s just a glass of rosé after a […]

9 tips to make tulips last longer

Tulpen länger haltbar machen, how to make tulips last longer, Tulpenpflege, Naturfotograf, Gartenfotograf Linz

Those of you who follow me on Instagram will know that last year in December, under the most inhospitable circumstances i might add, I put tulip bulbs in one of my low vegetable beds. These beds never get planted with vegetables until May, so they make perfect little cut flower beds. I love having vases […]

Christmas flower show – Stiftsgärtnerei St. Florian

Merry Christmas!! On the 23rd of December you can definitely start wishing that! The laptops are powered down, all the to do’s are done at the last minute and slowly but surely the anticipation of Christmas is setting in, isn’t it? In this spirit, I would like to dedicate the last post of the year […]

DIY Hanging Fall planter

DIY Floristry_Hanging summer planter

I must confess, when I think of „hanging baskets“, the first thing that comes to mind are those awful, knotted macramé/pot constructions that were found in almost every apartment in the late 80s. Granted I was quite young in the late 80’s but these things were so awful (in my opinion) that they were literally […]

Zweigstelle Schwaigau

Natur- und Gartenfotografie, Zweigstelle Schwaigau, Asten

Well hidden and known only to locals and insiders, the ATZ (Arbeitstrainingszentrum) „Zweigstelle Schwaigau“ is located in the middle of the Upper Austrian Schwaigau. Admittedly, you have to know what you are looking for when you make your way to „Zweigstelle Schwaigau“. Even as a local, it took me a while to find out that […]

There’s a new kid in town – Lederleitner Linz

Lederleitner Linz, Promenade Wohnkultur, Gartengestaltung, Andrea Staska, Gartenfotografie, Lifestylefotografie Linz

„The store for the beautiful things of everyday, yet not ordinary life.“ This description can be found on the home page of the Lederleitner online store and it couldn’t be more apt. You could also sum up the essence of the store even more succinctly, with „Everything but ordinary!“ The store for the beautiful things […]

Memories on paper

Andrea Staska_Prints

Having spent a whole lot of time at home this season, I’ve been finding myself looking through old photos of places I’ve traveled to in previous years. These days, I’ve been exchanging my travels for long walks through the countryside and time spent in my garden, so having these photos is a real blessing. I […]

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