Winter at the Botanical Garden Linz

Botanischer Garten Linz

Nothing in nature blooms all year long. This quote always comes to my mind whenever I look around outside in nature during the cold months. The nice thing is, there is no need to long for 365 days of colorful flowers, blooming perennials or green lawns. A garden, for example, when properly landscaped, is beautiful […]

Stiftsgärtnerei Sandner | St. Florian

SANDNER - die gärtnerei zum stift sankt florian, Schaugarten,

Everybody needs a Happy Place… or two. Right? In my case, my Happy Place is definitely my garden at home. Even if it, like any other garden, has it’s unsightly and less well-kept corners (piles of junk behind the hut anyone?), and regularly gives me back pain because the weeds just always grow faster than […]

Memories on paper

Andrea Staska_Prints

Having spent a whole lot of time at home this season, I’ve been finding myself looking through old photos of places I’ve traveled to in previous years. These days, I’ve been exchanging my travels for long walks through the countryside and time spent in my garden, so having these photos is a real blessing. I […]

Spring’s just around the corner

It’s the end of January so even the smallest sign that spring is coming is very much welcomed. So now, that the freezing temps and the remaining snow are slowly but surely disappearing, I got myself some sping blooms from our local gardener and got to work. t’s not much but, at this point even […]

There’s Beauty for those who bother to look

Austrian winter

With lockdown no.3 still going strong my daily walks in nature have proven to be the best thing to clear my head and not go stir crazy at home. At this point I’m extremely grateful to be living close to nature and being able to just leave the house and reach the woods and lakes […]

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